I am certified in CDT/MLD for lymphedema treatment.
Manual Therapy
I have completed and passed the Level II exam for the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT) and I have completed Level III upper quadrant courses. I have taken Craniosacral Therapy I & II with the Upledger Institute, Visceral Manipulation 1 through 4 with the Barral Institute, and Neural Manipulation 1 through 3 (scheduled to take 4 in 2021) with the Barral Institute. My information can also be found at www.iahp.com/Randi-Sundby. I have also taken and continue to take many other orthopedic and manual therapy continuing education courses.
I am certified as a Pilates rehabilitation instructor by Polestar Education and I am a certified Pilates instructor by STOTT Pilates. I continue to take a variety of Pilates continuing education courses each year.
I have completed the Mentoring Course for the Integration of Mindfulness into Physical Therapy with Carolyn McManus PT, MSPT, MA. I have also taken Mindfulness Meditation with Jack Kornfield, a variety of courses/classes with Alisa Sylling of Awake in Joy, and attended An Online Retreat with Pema Chödrön. Along with these courses I have been incorporating mindfulness meditation in my life for many years.